Gaspare Lorenzini, Piacenza, 1750 c.

Gaspare Lorenzini
Piacenza, 1750 c.
Piacenza, 1750 c.
Gaspare Lorenzini worked in Piacenza all his life and on some of his labels he states that he was one of Guadagnini’s pupils. He started his apprenticeship there in around 1740. J.B. Guadagnini’s influence can be seen very clearly in many of his instruments, but he was also influenced by Joseph filius A. Guarneri, and some of his instruments bear a very close resemblance.
This instrument is a superb example by this maker, and influenced by J.B. Guadagnini. The work is magnificent with superb wood and varnish. It has a powerfull and expressive sound.